Thursday, September 18, 2008

Maxed-Out Moms

I found this article at TIME called "Maxed-out Moms: The battleground voting bloc" about the mothers of the American society deciding on whom to vote for, in the upcoming presidental election . The general topic is about how mothers have so much to do and so little time to do everything, yet they can still have time to sit down and figure out who they want to vote for as president. When I was reading this, I was very happy to hear that even after all the pressure of mom "duties" they still want to have an opinion on the election. As I was reading along I realized that these mothers actually don't know a whole lot about whats going on with the elections at all. Women are purely picking someone, based on their gender, because they are the same. Being a "mother". It is just truly interesting to read how so many average women who don't have college experience feel about the election. I can only say that I comend the mothers that are in schoool, raise their children, and want to be involved with our government.