Friday, November 14, 2008

"America Sucks in Education"

I read 5o Stars' "America Sucks in Education" and though it was well written and a lot of thought put into it. I agree that our education system does indeed suck. I had no idea that the number was so high for people with out a high school diploma. It does make sense that his Asian friends would pick on him, because they are so smart on how to educate their children. A big issue in America with teaching kids is that, if a student is not the best at a certain subject, his or her parent or teacher will tell them that this subject just isn't for him or her. They will say that some people just don't understand things like others. Well if you keep telling your child that they are not good at something or anything then they start to believe you. No one is born less smart or less dumb. We are all equal and just pick up certain things quicker then others. Of course on the eastern side of the world if you are not so good at a certain subject this is what you will hear " You're not getting this? Well you better keep trying and study a little harder.". They are told that the harder you try, the more rewarding it is.
The education system is not fixing anything so far. They are starting to force college on them at an earlier age now, but what is that going to do? Are they still getting the right education they need? My little nephew is 7 and his vocabulary words are: friend, teacher, library, dinosaur etc. He is 7! I don't remember learning those words until about 3rd or 2nd grade. Maybe it's a good thing he is learning those words now, but what I am trying to say it that America still doesn't have it down right. You can't force education on these kids so young. You still have to make it fun and entertaining to them. They have a lot of growing up to do still.

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