Tuesday, November 25, 2008


After watching a number of his television broadcasts and reading numerous interviews, I believe President-Elect Obama is well suited for, and will be a capable President. His words give great strength and comfort. In several interviews he was asked if bank executives should forgo their bonuses. President-Elect Obama said, "I think they should." President-Elect Obama says that, "That's an example of taking responsibility. I think that if you are already worth tens of millions of dollars, and you are having to lay off workers, the least you can do is say, 'I'm willing to make some sacrifice as well, because I recognize that there are people who are a lot less well off, who are going through some pretty tough times.'" I have to agree with his statement, because I grew up watching and hearing my parents talk about how their tax dollars pay for plenty of things while the rich in many cases are given huge loopholes and in some instances pay far less in taxes than the average middle class citizen. Thus the saying, the rich get richer. We need to try something...this is part of the change, and hope, he spoke about during his campaign. Will it work? I don't know. I personally think his plans and the teams of people he is putting together will have a good shot at making it all work. Just look at their resumes. These are all very bright folks.
In a different interview he was asked if he could change something about the sports industry what would it be. His response was very simple and it showed that he is like any average American. He thinks there should be college football playoffs. It may seem silly to think that this is the guy who is going to run our nation. Why would you want to even ask questions like these at times such as now,but I don't mind them. It shows you what kind of person he really is. You have to ask those serious AND personal questions. He has said he never wants to not know what is happening in middle American on Main Street. He stays grounded and focused at the same time. He is the right person for these troubled times. With him does come hope and hope is a good thing because it moves people to action. And right now, we need everyone doing all they can. We are all in this together.

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